Wednesday 29 June 2016

WebcamMax Full Version [Crack]

WebcamMax is the ultimate webcam program that help you to add thousands of awesome effects to your webcam video. The program enables you to broadcast real webcam with live video, picture, video, VCD, DVD, as well as video URL. WebcamMax also supports almost all popular programs that uses webcam, be it browsers as well as chat client applications, such as Skype, Yahoo Messenger, Camfrog, Facebook, Windows Live Messenger, Youtube, Ustream, and many more.

WebcamMax Main Features:
  • Easy to switch among different sources
  • Paint on the video easily and directly
  • Stream from real webcam and fake
  • Supports all webcam applications
  • Take snapshots, and record video
  • Thousands of fantastic effects
  • Use your webcam simultaneously
  • And many more.
WebcamMax also allows you add a variety of funny and beautiful effects to your live video, you can take snapshots, and record video. Moreover, it allows you to use your webcam simultaneously on multiple webcam applications with easy.

How to Activate WebcamMax:

  1. Download files below
  2. Disconnect internet
  3. Unpack files 
  4. Install (Run Setup)
  5. Run as admin the Patch and click on ‘Patch’
  6. Use keygen to get unlock code
  7. Now run WebcamMax and click on ‘Enter SN’#
  8. Enjoy! WebcamMax Full Version

Download Link: 


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